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February 11, 2025
10 words you are probably spelling wrong—and why
English is far from easy—even native speakers stumble over it! With roots in multiple languages, countless borrowed words, and a wealth of silent letters, English spelling is rarely straightforward. So, don’t feel bad if you often slip up on one of these 10 common spelling mistakes—it’s not entirely your fault. Check to see if you’ve been misspelling any of these words, or just brush up on what you already know! Read more -
February 10, 2025
Did you know body parts can also be verbs? Here are many examples!
Our body takes us to all kinds of places, but not only in the literal sense. You can head a meeting, shoulder a responsibility, or eye someone suspiciously. Some words started as simple body parts, but evolved to take on actions and meanings that go far beyond anatomy! Are you ready to flex your brain? Read more -
February 9, 2025
No, “irregardless” is not a word: Terms often used incorrectly
Surely, we’ve all made grammatical mistakes that still haunt us. But that doesn’t mean our eyes are safe from twitching when we hear words like "irregardless." A dozen popular mistakes have spread and infiltrated the vocabulary of many, much to the dismay of word lovers. Let’s explore some of these and hope we aren’t among the ones committing them! Read more -
February 8, 2025
Have you heard of a Hellas country? Here's a guessing game for you!
Ever looked at a map, saw a country name, and thought, "Wait, that’s not what we call it?" Well, you’re not alone! Many countries go by entirely different names in their native language, and some of them might even surprise you. So, we’ve come up with a game: You’ll find six countries’ original names and some clues for you to guess which country it is. In the second part of the article, we’ll provide the answer and the origins of the names. Are you up for the challenge? Read more -
February 7, 2025
Why 'Ladybugs' aren't ladies and 9 other misleading animal names!
Some animals have commonly been given names that might lead you to believe false things about them. For example, as we all know, guinea pigs are not pigs, sea horses are not horses, and starfish are neither stars nor fish. So, how did these names come to be? While lookalike allegations may justify some, others are simply far-fetched. Is there any truth or reason behind these inaccurate nicknames—like "firefly"? Let’s explore 10 animal names that are, arguably, misnomers. Read more -
February 6, 2025
Fast food in Ancient Rome? 10 great things we inherited from the Romans
According to history books, Rome fell more than 1,500 years ago, but it can be easily argued that the Empire's influence never truly waned. Beyond its majestic ruins, Rome left a legacy so intertwined with our modern world that we often fail to recognize how many of our daily conveniences stem from their unique vision and innovation. From public sanitation to bureaucracy, here are 10 surprising ways the Roman Empire continues to shape our lives today. Read more -
February 5, 2025
Why is a March hare bad? 10 time-related phrases explained
The creation of new phrases, proverbs, and sayings is one of the most colorful aspects of language development. However, for this to happen, an essential ingredient is key: time. Therefore, through this article, we aim to offer curious readers interesting facts about the origins of figurative expressions related to this specific aspect of life. Continue reading to discover 10 popular idioms about time. Read more -
February 4, 2025
You surely didn't know all these things were NASA-invented!
NASA may be all about exploring space, but they have also improved life on Earth, did you know that? For example, the sneakers you use to go for a run every week, that’s NASA’s work. The agency’s innovations have made their way into our everyday routines in surprising ways. Even if you’ve never dreamed of being an astronaut, you’re probably using NASA-inspired tech right now! Let’s go through some everyday items that wouldn’t exist without those geniuses at NASA. Read more -
February 3, 2025
Winnie the Pooh or Anne of Green Gables fan? 10 children’s books recalled
Let’s travel back in time, all the way to our childhoods. Can you remember that magical time when playtime was the only thing that mattered? Those wonderful, countless hours spent playing and daydreaming with our friends? Still, we’d like to focus on a different type of memory: those unforgettable bedtime stories our loved ones used to read to us. With that in mind, we’ve decided to pay tribute to 10 of our favorite characters from children's books. With a bit of luck, you’ll be able to reconnect with your inner child and thank your favorite characters for all the fun times shared. Enjoy! Read more -
February 2, 2025
The importance of being George: 10 popular names and their stories
Names carry not only identity but also cultural significance and are often tied to larger societal trends or even famous figures of each historical moment. And just like any other cultural trends or ideas, popular names come and go. However, some names have stood the test of time—whether forged in royal bloodlines or immortalized as literary icons—connecting us with our ancestors and, very likely, our descendants. Join us on this name safari and discover some of the most popular names throughout history! Read more -
February 1, 2025
Which Roman god was the month of March named after?
A calendar is a system of time measurement based primarily on the seasons of the year. The one we use today is called the Gregorian calendar and is the result of a long process of evolution that began with ancient civilizations. So, when and by whom were the months of the year named? Here’s a hint: The Romans are largely responsible for how we organize time, so it’s not surprising that the current names of the months have much to do with their culture. Join us as we explore the origins of the names of the 12 months of the year! Read more -
January 31, 2025
What's the most filmed landmark in the world? Let's find out!
From impressive city skylines to stunning natural wonders, the world is brimming with fascinating landscapes ready to be discovered. No one knows this better than filmmakers, who capture these wonderful settings and use them to craft captivating stories. Let's step behind the lens and take a look at 14 of the most filmed locations around the world. Read more -
January 30, 2025
Which of these everyday phrases from the showbiz world do you use?
Show business has a way of slipping into our everyday conversations without us even realizing it. And there’s a reason: nothing captures the drama, fun, or urgency in life quite like actors and their lingo. For those of us with a little more life experience, these phrases might even bring a smile or a memory. Let’s take a closer look at 10 classic showbiz expressions that have made their way into our everyday vocabulary. Ready for your close-up? Read more -
January 29, 2025
Brain vs. Alcohol: How fast does a pint of beer hit the spot?
How quickly does the human body react to alcohol? What's the most popular drink in the world? And can animals get drunk? You might think you know everything about your favorite cocktail, but alcohol is actually full of fun facts that may surprise you; join us to discover them! Read more -
January 28, 2025
12 islands home to mad scientists, scary pirates, and fantastic beasts!
Whether idyllic or dangerous, mapped or mysterious, fictional islands make us want to get on a boat and become castaways. Cinema, television, and literature have allowed us to discover countless exotic lands that, despite being invented, are still fascinating. From Atlantis to Neverland, discover 12 fictional islands that, although they never existed, have earned a well-deserved place on the maps of world culture. Read more -
January 27, 2025
What does Semper Fidelis mean? Unveil the history behind American mottos
Mottos play an important role in our lives. Nations, states, companies, and organizations of all kinds choose them and uphold them with utmost care: they encapsulate the beliefs, values, and ideas that guide them. Let's have a look at some of our favorite American mottos, their meanings, and the history behind them! Read more -
January 26, 2025
What is the Kessler Syndrome? 10 serious threats astronauts face in space
Space is the final frontier, but that hasn’t stopped humans from pushing beyond its boundaries. Space exploration, however, is fraught with danger. On Earth, we’re shielded from the cosmic hazards and extreme conditions that dominate the universe, but beyond our atmosphere, astronauts face a multitude of threats. From handling microgravity’s impact on the body to navigating the deadly vacuum, survival in space requires precision and discipline. Here are 10 essential things astronauts must do to stay alive—and continue their quest to explore the cosmos. Read more -
January 25, 2025
Wands, magic, and mischief: 10 unforgettable witches who bewitched us all
Broomsticks, cauldrons, potions, black cats, crystal balls, magic wands! What do all these bring to your mind? Some good, some not so good, witches have been recurring characters in the human imagination, appearing in ancient myths, folklore, fairy tales, and even on TV and in films. Among them, some witches stood out, becoming memorable characters for all of us. If you want to remember 10 iconic witches from literature, movies, and TV, this article is for you! Read more -
January 24, 2025
10 baffling natural phenomena we still don't fully understand
We have certainly come a long way since the first humans began wondering about the nature of the universe. But even with significant technological and scientific progress behind us, some phenomena remain elusive, even to experts. These unsolved mysteries continue to baffle researchers, often hinting at how much we still have to learn about the universe. So, jump aboard and join us on this journey through some of nature’s most intriguing mysteries, from dark matter to the reasons behind why we yawn! Read more -
January 23, 2025
Which Are The 10 Strangest Objects Ever Found In Space?
The cosmos is incomprehensibly vast and full of mysteries. Despite our growing knowledge of its furthest reaches and curious phenomena, there is still much to discover. Space offers a treasure trove of strange and fascinating occurrences, from diamond planets to rogue stars and unexplained radio signals. Come aboard our spaceship as we explore 10 of the weirdest things humanity has ever encountered in deep space. Read more