Word of the day


1. (of a person) fond of company; sociable

“he was a popular and gregarious man”

2. (of animals) living in flocks or loosely organized communities

gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts”

3. (of plants) growing in open clusters or in pure associations

“in the wild, trees are usually gregarious plants”



Test your comprehension with these four exercises!


star {{ gc.totalScore }} Pts.

Select three words related to gregarious

{{gc.getGameScore('similarGame')}} /{{gc.getGameMaxScore('similarGame')}} points
  • sociable
  • social
  • boreal
  • introverted
  • convivial
  • cold

Choose the phrase that uses gregarious correctly

{{gc.getGameScore('examplesGame')}} /{{gc.getGameMaxScore('examplesGame')}} points



You scored {{gc.totalScore}} out of {{gc.maxTotalScore}} points

{{gc.totalGamesPlayed}} of {{gc.totalGames}} exercises completed

Play another word Replay