Offbeat Anatomy: 15 body oddities you may not know about

Published on April 14, 2024

Credit: RF._.studio

With its labyrinthine systems and intricate mechanisms, the human body is full of surprises , hidden quirks, and mysteries. Take blushing, for example, did you know that only humans are capable of such a thing? And what about earwax? We all know our body produces it to prevent bacteria from getting in, but did you know it is a type of sweat?

Until now, you may have thought you had a good handle on your body, but you probably have a few things to learn about it. Read on to find out fifteen weird facts about the human body and its endless wonders.


We are taller when we wake up

Credit: PublicDomainPictures

Have you ever wondered why you're a tad taller in the morning? That’s right, it’s not just your imagination playing tricks on you! Just as our weight is not the same throughout the day, neither is our height.

That is because, during the night, when we sleep horizontally, the soft cartilage between our bones gets a chance to decompress. The temporary relief from gravity leads to a slight increase in height by morning. But enjoy it while you can because it’s all downhill from here!

As the day progresses and we stand upright and carry out our daily activities, gravity compresses our spine back, causing our discs to flatten, and ultimately leading to a minimum loss of height.


Our nose has an amazing memory

Credit: Pixabay

Our noses are not only adept at sniffing out scents but also possess an astonishing memory. To put it simply: our noses are just like a built-in scent database in the middle of our faces.

How does that work? The nose is armed with up to 400 scent receptors , which means that we can identify millions of different odors, from recently baked chocolate cookies to the stinky odor of sweaty gym socks!

Now, this is mind-blowing: the average human nose can distinguish and remember up to 50,000 different smells. On a less friendly note, it still hasn’t quite mastered the ability to forget about the unfortunate smells of life!


Dehydration can lead to back pain

Credit: Joyce Hankins

Did you know that the core of your spinal discs is primarily composed of water? That’s right, the little discs between our vertebrae are like sponges. The water makes them plumpy and healthy. This means that, as long as our body is properly hydrated, our discs will be able to absorb shock and protect our spine like a pro.

As a natural consequence, when we don’t drink enough water or keep hydrated, these discs start to feel the squeeze. With no water to plump them up, they lose their main function and our spine bones are prone to rub against each other. And that’s when the back pain comes rushing.

If there weren’t enough reasons already, here is just another one to keep up with your water intake.


One lung is bigger than the other

Credit: kalhh

It’s a known fact that our left and right sides are not exactly the same . And this rule also applies to our internal organs. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that the left lung is approximately ten percent smaller than the right lung.

This has quite a simple and logical explanation to it: for starters, our heart is not perfectly placed in the center of our chest. Considering it is slightly tilted to the left, the left lung is smaller in order to give the heart some space, making it smaller than the right.

Moreover, because the liver sits high on the right side of our body, the right lung is wider but a tad shorter than the left.


Newborns don’t shed tears

Credit: Jonathan Borba

Crying is the first thing a baby does. The minute they are welcomed into the world, they put their lungs to work. But have you ever noticed they don’t shed any tears? As you can imagine, this is not because they are holding back, it is because they physically can’t!

Tear ducts, the ones responsible for this, are still developing in newborns like many other body parts. It is not until they have reached full maturity that babies will be able to let the tears fall, regardless of how loud they can get.

This process can take up to a month, and in some cases, even longer. So, if you see a crying baby with dry eyes, don’t worry! They are just waiting for the tear ducts to catch up!


Adults’ blood vessels are extremely long

Credit: jesse orrico

The most elaborate cobweb has absolutely nothing on our circulatory system! The intricate network of blood vessels within the human body is truly astounding. Here’s a fact: if we were to lay all of our blood vessels, end to end, they would span a distance of 60,000 miles .

In case you can’t quite picture that, think of this, that’s enough to wrap around the Earth’s equator not once, not twice, but four times over!

Think of all those blood vessels weaving their way through our body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to every last corner of it. It leaves you thinking, right?


Nose and ears never stop growing

Credit: Franco Antonio Giovanella

Believe it or not, growth is not just reserved for childhood. While overall growth ceases in adulthood, certain body parts continue to exhibit growth throughout life. The nose and ears, for instance, have a mind of their own when it comes to this and they tend to grow larger with age.

Now, here is the trick about this oddity: it is not actual growth, it is all work of the relentless force of gravity!

Our ears and noses are mostly made of cartilage, which is highly flexible. As we age, even though it may seem as if they never cease growing, it is just gravity causing that cartilage to sag and stretch out making them look bigger.


Earwax is actually a type of sweat

Credit: Mohamed_hassan

Since earwax is highly considered disgusting by society, it is no surprise we know close to nothing about it. Contrary to popular belief, earwax is not simply a collection of dirt and debris and it is definitely not wax, that’s for sure!

Earwax is, in fact, a type of sweat. Our ear canal has two types of glands, the ceruminous and the sebaceous glands. The former is a sweat gland and it is the one responsible for producing this waxy substance. Therefore, the name.

Now, earwax, embarrassing as it may be, serves to lubricate and protect the delicate skin lining the ear canal, preventing dryness and irritation. So, rather than removing it, embrace it!


Tongues also have a unique print

Credit: Andrea Piacquadio

Just like fingerprints, each person's tongue boasts a unique and distinct pattern. So, there are no two fingerprints that are the same, and neither are two tongues.

These tongue prints, formed by a combination of papillae and taste buds, contribute to individuality and our identity. And get this, tongue prints are often used in forensic investigations for identification purposes.

And that is not all! As it turns out, color and shape are also unique features of each individual making the tongue a key tool for identification. And let’s not forget the rainbow of flavors we can taste thanks to it!


Humans’ and sharks’ teeth are equally strong

Credit: Marek Studzinski

You may be quite skeptical about this, but human teeth are remarkable and stronger than you think!

Human teeth are incredibly durable, and their strength is comparable to that of shark teeth. Scientific studies show that when comparing the micro-structure of both, our teeth are no weaker than that of sharks. And it all comes down to one single element: enamel.

This discovery is attributed to the dense enamel covering the tooth's surface, which serves as a protective barrier against wear and tear.

Mind you, equally strong doesn’t mean equally sharp! You might not be able to slice through prey, but you will most certainly win the battle over a crispy apple.


Blood takes up a part of our body weight

Credit: Pawel Czerwinski

We are all very much aware that blood has a vital role in maintaining our body at top performance. It is in charge of physiological balance and transporting essential nutrients and oxygen to tissues throughout the body.

One can also easily imagine that we have a fair amount of it circulating inside our bodies. But what you probably didn’t know is that it constitutes approximately eight percent of the average adult's body weight .

The number is not set in stone, depending on factors like age and size, this percentage can naturally vary. For example, blood takes up to ten percent of a baby’s body weight.


We use one nostril at a time

Credit: Ivan Samkov

You may not notice it, but you typically only breathe through one nostril at a time. You have nothing to fear, this is completely normal and it is due to a congestion pattern that switches every couple of hours. During this cycle, one nostril becomes congested making it a bit harder for air to flow through it while the other becomes decongested.

This alternating pattern of nasal airflow , known as the nasal cycle, ensures optimal filtration, humidification, and warming of inhaled air, promoting efficient respiratory function. Noses are not just a scent database, they are also our air conditioning system.


Blinking is a reflex

Credit: Lisa Fotios

Now that you read about it, you may be blinking on purpose, aren’t you? However, most of the time, blinking is an involuntary reflex of the cornea , that is, we don’t even notice we do it. Now, this is the quirky fact about it: blinking occurs around 20 times per minute, which actually equates to over ten million blinks per year!

This reflex is not just a habit, it is essential to keep our eyes healthy. Blinking serves to moisturize and protect the ocular surface, preventing dryness and debris accumulation.

Moreover, blinking is a defense mechanism. When things get too close to the eye, this instinctive action protects our eyes from potential damage.


Our brain is highly active when we sleep

Credit: Andrea Piacquadio

Contrary to popular belief, the brain never clocks out, not even when we go to bed. It is quite the opposite, our brain is often more active during sleep than when we are awake. And this is key to our overall health and well-being!

During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the stage usually associated with vivid dreams and high cognitive function, the brain becomes notably active. It initiates the neural activity that triggers key cognitive processes such as memory consolidation and emotional regulation.

Unlike us, our brain never goes to sleep and we should thank it for feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.


Only humans can blush

Credit: Samson Katt

When we feel embarrassed or ashamed, our mind is not the only one at play, our bodies are quick to catch up with some significant transformations. We sweat, we move around in discomfort and we blush!

Blushing is the result of the dilation of the blood vessels and a physiological response to certain feelings . Now, what you probably didn’t know is that, despite its involuntary nature, humans are the only species known to do this.

This uniquely human response is triggered by emotions such as embarrassment, shame, or excitement, highlighting the intricate interplay between the mind and body. Remarkable, isn’t it?


Can You Hold Your Own In Court? 12 Legal Terms Everyone Should Know

Published on April 14, 2024

Credit: Sasun Bughdaryan

If you have ever been befuddled by a legal term in a conversation, a document, TV, or elsewhere, you are certainly not alone. The law has a certain way with words and it can be tricky for the layman to fully understand their meaning.

This article serves as a humble guide, shedding light on 12 fundamental legal terms tailored for those who don't hold a law degree. So, let's dive into the realm of legal literacy, making these terms accessible and understandable for everyone.



Credit: Fabian Gieske

Simply put, an "affidavit" is a written statement voluntarily made under oath, a sworn testimony that carries the weight of truthfulness. It can be defined as a formalized way of saying, "I promise this is true" typically used in legal proceedings or various official documents.

Affidavits are extremely important in providing firsthand accounts, witness statements, or evidence in court without the need for the individual to testify in person.



Credit: Scott Graham

A term often heard in the context of legal dramas, a "deposition" is essentially a pre-trial discovery process where witnesses or parties involved in a case provide sworn out-of-court testimony.

Picture it as a -very- formalized Q&A session, but instead of taking place within a courtroom, it occurs in a more private setting, like a lawyer's office. This process allows both sides to gather information and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case.


Amicus curiae

Credit: Jeremy McGilvrey

Amicus curiae is a Latin term that translates to "friend of the court". And, while it might sound like an exclusive legal club, it is an individual or organization that isn't a party to the case at hand but offers expertise or information to assist the court in making informed decisions.

Amicus curiae are legal allies, providing valuable perspectives on complex issues. These friends of the court often submit written briefs, known as amicus briefs, to share insights that could impact the case's outcome.


Class action

Credit: Robert Linder

In simple terms, a "class action" is a collective lawsuit where a group -or class- of people with similar claims join forces to pursue legal action against a defendant. Class actions are particularly powerful when addressing widespread issues, such as consumer rights violations or product liability.

It should be noted that the district court must find that the claims of the class members contain questions of law or fact in common before the lawsuit can proceed as a class action. But, by consolidating these cases into one, the legal system becomes more efficient, offering a streamlined approach to justice.



Credit: Sebastian Pichler

An "appeal" is the legal version of a second chance. It is a request made to a higher court to review and reconsider a decision from a lower court. It's a mechanism that allows individuals dissatisfied with a verdict to present their case anew, highlighting errors or injustices in the initial judgment.

Appeals are not retrials per se but, rather, opportunities to scrutinize the legal process. When someone exercises their right to appeal, they aim to secure a more favorable outcome or rectify legal missteps.


Habeas corpus

Credit: Melody Ayres-Griffiths

Coming from Latin , meaning "you shall have the body", the concept of habeas corpus is a powerful safeguard of individual liberty. Habeas corpus is essentially a legal order demanding that a person under arrest or in detention be brought before a court or judge.

It works as a defensive wall against unlawful or arbitrary imprisonment, ensuring that individuals have the right to challenge the legality of their detention. Habeas corpus is a cornerstone of justice, emphasizing the principle that no one should be held captive without proper legal justification.



Credit: Claire Anderson

An "adjudication" refers to the formal resolution of a legal dispute by a court or judicial authority. Adjudication involves the examination of evidence, legal arguments, and applicable laws to render a decision or judgment.

Adjudication ensures that conflicts are settled fairly and in accordance with established legal principles, including legal reasoning set forth by opposing parties or litigants, to come to a decision which determines rights and obligations between the parties involved.



Credit: Darren Halstead

"Impeachment" is a term often heard in political contexts but rooted in legal principles. Contrary to common belief, impeachment isn't solely about removal from office; it's a formal process to accuse a public official of misconduct.

Impeachment serves as a constitutional check on the abuse of power, allowing the legislative branch to hold elected officials accountable. It's a legal tool emphasizing the principle that no one, regardless of position, is above the law.



Credit: Chris Liverani

"Arbitration" is a practical alternative to courtroom battles for dispute resolution. Unlike traditional litigation, arbitration is a private, out-of-court process where parties submit their grievances to an impartial arbitrator or panel.

This neutral third party reviews evidence, hears arguments, and issues a binding decision. Popular in business and contractual matters, arbitration provides an orderly and efficient way to settle disputes without the complexities of a formal trial.


Per curiam

Credit: Jackie Hope

Coming from Latin , the legal term per curiam means "by the court". This phrase is often used to express an opinion or decision issued by an entire court rather than a single judge.

When a court issues a per curiam opinion, it signifies a unanimous stance taken collectively by the judges, emphasizing a unified judicial perspective. These opinions are typically concise and highlight the court's consensus on a particular matter.



Credit: Tingey Injury Law Firm

An "allegation" is a formal assertion or claim made by one party against another, presenting accusations that may or may not be proven true. It serves as the initial step in legal proceedings, outlining the specific charges or grievances.

An allegation doesn't automatically imply guilt. Instead, it sparks an investigation or legal process to find the truth. Whether in criminal or civil matters, understanding the nature of an allegation is key to navigating legal discussions.



Credit: Tim Gouw

A "trustee" is an individual or entity entrusted with the responsibility of managing and overseeing assets on behalf of others, known as beneficiaries. This role often arises in the context of trusts, where individuals seek to safeguard and distribute assets according to specific instructions.

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