George Clooney’s pet pig & 9 other famous pets

Published on March 22, 2024

Credit: Paul Hanaoka

There's probably a special pet from your childhood whose memory still makes you smile, or perhaps you currently share your house with a unique furry friend. Since ancient times, humans have sought and valued the companionship of animals, and even the most famous people -from superstars to historical figures- have had faithful pets. Some of these creatures caught people's attention, becoming celebrities themselves. Join us to remember these 10 famous pets!


Scatter, Elvis' Chimpanzee

Credit: Vlad Kutepov

Nobody can deny Elvis Presley's impact on art and culture. Known as the "King of Rock and Roll," he stood out not only in music but also in fashion and style.

In Graceland, alongside his dogs and horses, Elvis welcomed an unusual company in 1961: Scatter, the chimpanzee. Scatter quickly became a friend for Elvis, going with him to concerts and movie sets. However, the mischievous primate often tested the boundaries of decorum. Can you imagine the King saying "Scatter, no!"?


Poll, Andrew Jackson's Parrot

Credit: David Clode

Two years before becoming the president of the United States, Andrew Jackson acquired a parrot. No big deal, right? Well, the thing is Poll, President Jackson's parrot, had a "talent."

Poll had something that set him apart from the rest: a tendency to profanity. It remains a mystery where he learned that language, but one thing's for sure: the parrot cursed like a sailor, saying bad words at inappropriate places.


Kenya, Mike Tyson's Tiger

Credit: Rick L

While it's cute to imagine Mike Tyson holding a small puppy, it's true that the successful boxer also had big (and eccentric) pets.

In Tyson's huge mansion, there was not one, not two, but three Bengal tigers. That's right; three imposing tigers in the comfort of his home. As these creatures matured, Tyson decided to donate two of them to a local sanctuary. However, he kept one: Kenya, his favorite. Tyson had Kenya as a companion for 16 years!


Checkers, Richard Nixon's Cocker Spaniel

Credit: Melissa Keizer

After some exotic animals, now it's time to talk about a more common pet: a puppy. In particular, Richard Nixon's cocker spaniel.

The Nixon family received the black and white puppy as a gift, and he became an important part of the family. The children gave this little friend a suitable name: Checkers.

Though he never lived in the White House, Checkers is remembered by many Americans. In 1952, he was mentioned in a famous speech delivered by Richard Nixon, bringing Checkers to national fame.


Pippin, Audrey Hepburn's Baby Deer

Credit: Scott Carroll

When the famous Audrey Hepburn was filming her movie Green Mansions (1959), she met a baby deer that was part of the cast. To improve their chemistry, someone suggested that Hepburn should adopt the deer as her pet. And it turned out to be a great idea!

The actress and her deer forged a special bond, so strong that she would take her friend along for shopping, much like one might with a puppy or a cat. Cute, right?


Rufus, Churchill's Poodle

Credit: Steven Van Elk

Winston Churchill was not only a statesman but also a pet owner. Among his many animals -which included dogs, cats, horses, and even fish- one particular mate stood out: his toy poodle, Rufus.

Photographs abound of the former Prime Minister with his brown little dog, suggesting that Rufus was a constant companion for him.


Max, George Clooney's Pig

Credit: Jon Butterworth

Let's be honest: piglets are adorable when they're tiny. However, as they grow, they can become a bit intimidating. Fortunately, this wasn't an impediment for George Clooney. Quite the opposite!

The successful actor fell in love with a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig in the early 1990s and kept it as his pet for almost 20 years. It seems that George Clooney doesn't judge a book by its cover.


John Quincy Adams' Alligator

Credit: Shelly Collins

John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the United States, has a very unusual pet. We're not talking about a parrot or a pig, but an alligator!

While some experts affirm this story is just a legend, its fame is undeniable. There's a funny detail: It's been said that Adams would play a prank on guests by inviting them into the bathroom where the alligator was kept just to see their reactions!


Lump, Picasso's Dachshund

Credit: Khalid Elkady

Just as politicians and actors, artists also have a place on this list.

Among Pablo Picasso's pets, one stood out: Lump, the dachshund. Their friendship lasted over 15 years!

Picasso's love for Lump transcended companionship, as the painter also included the dog in his art. One of the most famous examples is a special drawing by Picasso: a single-line depiction of a dachshund. This artwork can illustrate the strong bond between the artist and his pet.


Socks, Bill Clinton's Cat

Credit: Andrea Lightfoot

A list of famous pets wouldn't be complete without a kitty. And when it comes to famous cats, Socks, the Clintons' cat, must have a top spot.

Named for his black fur and white paws, Socks arrived at the White House during Bill Clinton's presidency, gaining many fans along the way. Socks was so popular that the little animal had a website dedicated to him, providing people with a platform to send messages of affection to the kitty.


Speak The Language Of The Stars With These 12 Astronomical Terms

Published on March 22, 2024

Credit: Greg Rakozy

A science as ancient as astronomy has generated an immense number of terms to define its many discoveries. From the ethereal "solar wind" to the explosive allure of "starburst galaxies", these terms not only describe scientific phenomena but also illustrate the rich history and cultural influences that have shaped their existence. Join us as we navigate a linguistic cosmos where words express the most varied types of celestial wonders.


Celestial sphere

Credit: Brett Ritchie

A "celestial sphere" is a fundamental concept in astronomy, acting as both a theoretical construct and a visual aid in understanding the apparent distribution of celestial objects from Earth.

Picture an imaginary, transparent sphere surrounding our planet, with Earth at its center. This celestial sphere provides a convenient reference frame for astronomers to map and describe the positions of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies as they appear to an observer on Earth.



Credit: Alex Simpson

Derived from the Latin word constellatio, meaning a set of stars, constellations are groupings of stars that, when viewed from Earth, appear connected to create recognizable shapes or figures.

These celestial configurations have served as both navigational aids and mythological storytelling tools across diverse cultures throughout history. Also, beyond their aesthetic purpose, constellations are vital to astronomers, providing a celestial coordinate system for locating objects in the night sky.


Dwarf planet

Credit: NASA

"Dwarf planet" refers to a specific category of celestial bodies that share characteristics with both planets and asteroids. Dwarf planets typically occupy the outer reaches of the solar system, with Pluto serving as the most famous member.

This designation sparked debates and discussions about the nature of planetary identity, prompting a reevaluation of how we define and categorize objects in our cosmic neighborhood.



Credit: Jeremy Thomas

The mysterious word "aphelion" marks a pivotal moment in a celestial body's orbit, representing the farthest point from the Sun. Derived from the Greek words apo, meaning away, and helios, meaning sun, aphelion occurs when a planet, asteroid, or comet reaches the maximum distance in its elliptical journey around our star.

Earth, for instance, experiences aphelion in early July each year. The term illustrates the dynamic nature of celestial mechanics and the intricate interplay that governs the movements of celestial bodies within our solar system.



Credit: Michael & Diane Weidner

A somewhat more terrestrial word than the previous examples, "equinox" defines the celestial alignment where day and night achieve perfect equilibrium, marking two pivotal moments in Earth's orbit around the Sun.

Derived from the Latin words aequus, meaning equal, and nox, meaning night, this astronomical event occurs twice a year, during spring and autumn. During these periods, the plane of Earth's equator intersects the center of the Sun, resulting in nearly equal durations of daylight and darkness across the globe.


A-type star

Credit: Chantal & Ole

"A-type star" designates a specific class of luminous celestial bodies. These stars have surface temperatures ranging between 7,500 and 10,000 Kelvin, rendering them hotter than our Sun.

A-type stars, often found in young stellar clusters, have a bluish-white radiance and well-defined spectral lines, revealing a composition rich in hydrogen and helium.



Credit: Pixabay

Coming from the Latin word facula, meaning little torch or bright spot, faculae are intricate and ephemeral features found on the Sun's surface. Comprising bright patches, they emerge in regions of intense magnetic activity, revealing the complex interplay of magnetic fields on our star's luminous surface.

These luminous phenomena are often associated with the presence of sunspots. Studying faculae not only enhances our understanding of solar magnetism but also offers insights into the Sun's influence on space weather and Earth's climate.



Credit: Pixabay

The "heliosphere" is a vast and dynamic domain shaped by the Sun's ceaseless influence, extending far beyond its visible surface. Originating from the Greek words helios, meaning sun, and sphaira, meaning sphere, this term defines the immense region dominated by the Sun's solar wind and magnetic field.

Stretching beyond the orbit of Pluto, the heliosphere acts as a protective shield, deflecting cosmic rays and interstellar particles within the entirety of the Solar System and a significant region of space beyond it.



Credit: Pixabay

Coming from the Latin word for cloud or mist, nebulae are vast clouds of gas and dust scattered throughout the cosmos, serving as the celestial nurseries for stellar birth or the remnants of dying stars.

These luminous formations take on a variety of shapes and sizes, from the ethereal glow of emission nebulae to the dark, intricate patterns of absorption nebulae. Nebulae play a pivotal role in the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction, acting as the cosmic crucibles where stars forge their existence and, in their demise, release enriched elements back into space.


Solar wind

Credit: Lens Travelier

A mysterious expression indeed, "solar wind" conjures the invisible yet powerful exhalation from our Sun that shapes the dynamic environment of the solar system. Coming from the English word windan, meaning to twist or turn, this stream of charged particles radiates outward in all directions from the Sun.

Fueled by the Sun's intense heat and magnetic activity, the solar wind influences the behavior of celestial bodies, sculpting the tails of comets, interacting with planetary atmospheres, and even defining the boundaries of the heliosphere.


Starburst galaxy

Credit: NASA

Not to be confused with the popular candy, a starburst galaxy unveils a cosmic phenomenon where celestial fireworks ignite in a burst of stellar creativity. Coined from the vivid imagery it evokes, a starburst galaxy is a galactic system undergoing an exceptionally high rate of star formation.

This surge in stellar birth is often triggered by galactic collisions or intense interactions, unleashing an amazing array of new stars across the galactic landscape. Most starbursts occur as a result of galactic interactions.


Supermassive black hole (SMBH)

Credit: John Paul Summers

A self-explanatory term that almost sounds like science fiction, "supermassive black hole (SMBH)" describes a gravitational giant lurking at the hearts of galaxies. Coined from its colossal mass, often millions or even billions of times that of our Sun, an SMBH's immense gravitational pull is so powerful that not even light can escape, rendering it invisible to traditional observation methods.

These cosmic behemoths play a crucial role in shaping galactic structures and influencing stellar orbits within their domains. The origin of SMBHs remains a puzzle, with theories suggesting their growth through mergers, accretion of surrounding matter, or a combination of both.

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